Why Is Spiritual Awakening So Hard? (Reasons & Solutions)

Spiritual awakening is hard because after using our senses to live in the world, it can be difficult to start relying solely on spirit without any outside help.

This goes along with the idea that humans have an inherent need for external validation, which is why many people find spiritual awakening so difficult.

Spiritual awakening is hard because we’re blinded by our egos and there’s a lot of fear that goes into deciding whether or not to get closer to the divine.

With awakening comes a lot of self-doubts and learning the difference between what the mind thinks and what spirit is actually doing can be difficult.

The path to awakening is an incredibly healthy and vulnerable one that only takes patience and special attention to detail in order to succeed.

The Path of Spiritual Awakening

We spend our entire lives searching for answers to the questions of life, yet we’re actually very ignorant.

We’re ruled by our egos, our minds, desires and fears (and sometimes not even those).

There’s no way that we can ever reach the divine while we’re ruled by our egos. We have to transcend the ego.

That’s the only way to connect to our true self, which is one with the divinity.

The reason that it’s so hard to awaken is because we’re blinded by our egos.

Our egos have a lot of fears and insecurities that keep us from moving forward.

So the question is, how do we move forward? The answer lies in the term surrender.

Surrender is the act of letting go of your fear. It’s the act of moving away from your ego and towards your divine self.

There are many ways to surrender. Prayer is one way, meditation is another, surrendering to your higher power is also another.

I will cover all these ways in different articles, but first I’d like to talk about one of the best ways to surrender: Acceptance.

The first step to surrender is accepting.

To accept means to “to admit the existence, presence, or truth of” something.

Acceptance is more than just acknowledgment of existence though. Acceptance is experiencing something fully and letting go of your resistance to it.

Accepting Your Ego

One way of surrendering that people often ignore is accepting their egos.

This is the act of acknowledging that our egos are our true selves.

You can do this by writing down your ego’s name (I’ll explain how later). By accepting our egos, we begin to accept our true self.

Furthermore, by accepting this fact, we’re able to stop resisting the ego and let it go.

Accept is also a verb which means “to regard as acceptable or tolerable” something. This includes accepting your emotions, thoughts and urges as they come.

By doing so, you’ll be able to accept your ego’s existence and eventually let it go.

Acceptance is hard though. You have to let go of your egos resistance towards everything that comes your way.

The more you practice, though, the easier it will be.

The reason why it’s so hard to get started is because of the ego’s resistance. We have a lot of fears that are attached to these thoughts, urges and emotions.

We fear letting go of the ego because we believe that this will mean losing control of our lives.

Our Boundaries

The difficulty felt by many people who are going through a spiritual awakening can be summed up in one word: boundaries .

People who want to surrender and move closer to the divine go through a lot of things that make this process extremely difficult.

One of these things is the false beliefs that are held in place by our egos. We often believe lies that are told to us by the ego.

These lies are what make us feel bad about ourselves.

For example, many people believe lies like “I’m not good enough” or “I’m unworthy”.

It’s hard to get over these lies when you’re in the middle of a spiritual awakening because they’re in your face all the time.

The insecurities that arise due to these lies just compound the problems caused by them.

We use these lies to just about anything that makes us feel bad about ourselves.

We use them to avoid situations that may cause us discomfort. We use them to tell ourselves that we’re not good enough for something, like a job promotion or our dream job.

It’s hard for any of us to accept our egos because of these lies. These lies make us act in ways that makes it seem like we’re not accepting ourselves, but this is far from the reality of the situation.

These lies make us act the way we do. Without them, we’d know that we’re worthy and respectable human beings who deserve happiness and good things.

We use these lies as a tool to escape the reality that we’re facing. The more we use them, the worse we become at accepting our egos.

Our egos strengthen every time we repeat these lies and allow them to control our actions.

These are just some of the lies that people often tell themselves, but they are just a couple of examples.

We have many more insecurities that are tied to our egos. We have things that we think are bad about ourselves when in reality they’re just part of life.

All these insecurities tie us down, so it’s difficult to move forward in this beautiful process called spiritual awakening.

It’s hard because we have so many things tying us down. We have our emotions, our thoughts and so much more weighing us down.

We can’t become truly awakened beings if we continue to believe in these lies.

Our egos will never let go of control. The only way to let go is to accept them and move away from them. If we don’t, we’re moving backwards and not forward.

Spiritual Awakening: You Are Good Enough

As long as you believe that you’re unworthy then you won’t be able to reach the divine.

You will always be in a state of resistance towards your ego. You’ll be afraid to let go of your fears because you believe that doing so will make you unworthy.

This isn’t true though, and this is something that needs to be repeated over and over again.

I’m not saying that it’s easy to accept our insecurities. It’s not easy at all! If it were easy, don’t you think we’d have done it by now?

It’s not easy because the ego wants us to stay the same way. It’s true that our ego wants us to be unhappy, but it doesn’t want to make the journey of enlightenment.

It’s not happy with our ignorance either. The ego is unhappy with how ignorant we are.

The ego wants us not to do anything that would make us happy because it believes that this will harm us in some way, shape or form.

This is part of the reason why you aren’t emotional at times. This is the reason why you’re afraid to speak up about your problems.

This is also the reason why people fear change and make excuses to stay in their comfort zones.

This doesn’t mean that you should give in and allow your ego take control of your life, though. You can make it work for you instead!

I’ve given many examples of this earlier in this article and will continue to do so further down below. The best thing that you can do is accept yourself. This includes accepting every part of yourself, including your ego.

There is a certain type of forgiveness that must take place in order to accept yourself. This is the type of forgiveness that forgets what has been done.

This means that you’ll have to forgive yourself for the mistakes that you’ve made in the past. You’ll have to forgive yourself for all of your insecurities and fears.

Pay attention here! I’m not saying that you should forget about your past or pretend like it never happened. You’ll have to forgive yourself, but you’ll also have to pay more attention to the present.

Forgiveness isn’t about forgetting what has happened. It’s about forgiving yourself so that you can move forward in a new way.

You can learn from your mistakes and move into a different direction because of it. This is the reason why forgiveness is required for spiritual awakening too.

Once you accept all of your negativity and remove any types of forgiveness from the equation, you’ll be able to continue on with your spiritual journey.

You’ll be able to experience this through following meditation and mindfulness tips. You’ll also be able to become aware of the patterns that you’re repeating in your life.

Many people still believe that forgiveness means forgetting what has happened and pretending as though it doesn’t exist.

This is just one way that people often use forgiveness, but there are many different types of forgiveness.

The key here is that you will have to forgive yourself if you want to move forward in this process.

There will be times when you’ll have to forgive yourself for certain actions that you may take.

Forgiveness does not mean that you should let your ego make the decisions for you. Forgiveness means that you’ll have to learn valuable lessons from what has happened.

You must move away from the type of forgiveness that makes you feel guilty about past mistakes.

Guilt can hold us back! It can prevent us from moving forward because we’re afraid of repeating the same actions again.

Additional Factors Creating Difficulty

Other factors that can make a spiritual awakening hard for so many are the thoughts that we have and the way we perceive things.

You can start working on this and letting go of your thoughts and emotions by using the simple practice of mindfulness.

The main idea here is that you must start accepting all of your emotions, thoughts and fears. You must stop running away from them or pretending that they don’t exist at all.

You must let go of these things if you want to move forward in this process.

Understanding the way that our thoughts work will help us to let go of them. You’ll have to drop your ego’s beliefs because they are just lies that are designed to keep you tied down.

If you don’t let go of what your ego wants you to believe then you’ll never be able to experience the divine.

You must let go of these insecurities and move into a new way of thinking and understanding your emotions and thoughts.

You’ll still have random thoughts running through your mind when you’re in this state, but it will be easier to let them go.

You’ll be able to do this because you’ll understand that they’re just thoughts; they’re not reality. You’ll understand that thoughts can be changed, and this is something that we’ll experience once we let go of our ego.

Letting go of our ego isn’t as hard as it may seem. We just have to stop believing in the ideas that it presents to us.

We must stop letting our ego tell us things such as, “You’re not good enough” or “This person doesn’t like you.”

Your ego will always try to keep you from experiencing a spiritual awakening because it wants you to stay the same way.

When your ego’s lies are exposed it will start to show you the truth.

It has told you lies before, but now it’s the time for the lies to stop. The time for truth has finally come!

Your task is to not allow yourself to fall for what your ego wants you to believe.

If you’re not able to let go of your ego then you’ll never be able to experience the divine. You’ll never be able to experience true happiness or peace either.

You can experience all of these things if you just start letting go of what your ego wants you to believe.

Don’t Be Discouraged

If the hardship you feel during a spiritual awakening is something that you’re still experiencing, then you’ll have to continue on with this process. Don’t get discouraged!

This is the key to moving forward because you’ll reach different stages throughout your spiritual awakening.

You’ll experience different views of reality that will help you to let go of what your ego wants you to believe.

For example, when I stopped believing in the lies of my ego; I started seeing reality in a completely new way. I no longer looked at myself through the eyes of my ego or through my personal preferences alone.

I started to see the world in a completely new way, and it made me very aware of things that I hadn’t seen before. This is something that you should experience!

A lot of people have already reached this point in their spiritual awakening, but they still have so many things to work on.

This is why I’m giving you so many tips on how to get there because this journey can be long and difficult at times.

It’s important to understand what you’re working towards when you’re writing your spiritual awakening journal. You’ll be able to experience a lot of different things throughout this process, and all of these things will help you to let go of your ego.

Yes, you can use the practice of mindfulness to help let go of your ego once and for all. You’ll notice that you’re no longer running away from your thoughts and emotions because you know the truth. You’re no longer running away from reality.

We’ll always have thoughts and emotions running through our mind, but we no longer have to run away from them!

We don’t need to worry about what other people think of us either; we only need to worry about ourselves.

You can really experience freedom when you stop using your ego to tell you what’s right and wrong, and when you stop using your ego to make your decisions for you.

You must trust yourself and your life experience is your best teacher.

You’ll be able to view everything with a completely new perspective if you were to stop using your ego.

You’ll notice that things will start making sense and they’ll be so much more enjoyable!

A lot of people still have so many things to work on in their spiritual awakening process, but overall, most people have already reached a new stage.

You can really experience a new world that has been created because you’ve removed the lies of your ego once and for all.

You’ll no longer have to worry about your life decisions, and you can stop running away from who you really are. You’re a unique being just like everyone else.

Yes, you will have a lot of emotions during your spiritual awakening. You’ll have so much to work through from anger to sadness, but it’s all worth it!

It’s all worth the journey so don’t give up!

When you commit to something you commit to it 100%, and this is huge for this process.

Remember to express yourself openly in your journal when you’re writing about what happens in your life.

Expressing yourself can really help because it can remove any feelings of depression or negativity that could be weighing us down in our life experiences.

When you express yourself openly you’ll be able to release the emotions that are stuck in your mind.

By doing this you can really take control of these negative emotions. Expressing yourself also helps us to let go of what our ego tells us to believe, and this is huge for letting go of our ego.

You must be open and honest with yourself when you’re expressing yourself, but remember that it’s okay to cry as well.

If your feelings don’t come bursting out then it means that they’re not ready for release just yet.

These feelings will come out in time and when they do you’re going to experience a whole new level of emotional release.

I know this may be difficult for some people to accept, but you must remember that we’re not machines and we don’t work like that. We can’t just release negative emotions and then stop remembering them instantly afterwards.

We have to allow our emotions to come out, let them run their course, and then move onto something else with ease.

The more comfortable you are with being vulnerable the more likely you’ll be able to accomplish your dreams by working through these feelings of grief or anger.

You can really get free when you allow yourself to experience these emotions. It’ll only help you to let go of what your ego wants you to believe.

If you’re not sure how to deal with your emotions then it’s okay to ask for help from people that have gone through this type of situation before.

You could ask a friend or a therapist, or even read books or instructional videos online. The more comfortable you are facing things the more likely it is that your true feelings will begin to surface.

You can really be free by being vulnerable, but remember that it’s okay if you don’t express yourself immediately after an emotion has passed. You can express yourself at any time.

When you’re starting to experience a lot of negative emotions, you’ll want to write them down in your journal immediately.

You can talk about these things with a friend or a therapist, but it’s really important to write about your emotions as well.

Writing is one of the most powerful tools that we have at our disposal because it helps us to face reality and it helps us to let go of our ego.

Remember that by facing reality we’re not running away from our thoughts or emotions because we know the truth behind everything.

You’ll know the truth eventually, but you must start this process in your life experience.

You must be committed to living in the moment, to living with all of your emotions, and to being honest with yourself when you’re expressing yourself.

Even if it’s difficult for you to come to terms with what’s happening in your life, you have everything that you need inside of yourself in order to reach the next level.

You have everything that you need inside of yourself in order to reach a higher state of conscious awareness.

Final Thoughts

The process of a spiritual awakening can indeed feel hard at times, but it’s also one of the most rewarding journeys that anyone can take.

It’s truly amazing how fast the process can unfold once you’ve taken the first step.

You’ll start to see things that are happening in your life more clearly and you’ll be able to deal with them easier.

I do believe that you can really speed up the process of a spiritual awakening if you’re committed to working with your emotions.

If you’re committed to being honest with yourself then your soul can really shine.

You can really be free once you’ve conquered many of the obstacles in your life.




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