The Spiritual Meaning of Breaking a Plate has many interpretations around the world.
Breaking plates is sometimes used to represent the destruction of something old and the beginning of something new. It is said that breaking plates symbolize the smashing of the old world order to make way for a new one. When you break a plate it can represent your own personal struggles with change, as well as the difficult process of breaking free from an unhealthy routine or environment.
Some of the meanings associated with breaking a plate are luck, getting attention, having newly planted seeds in your life, loss of money or property, risk-taking, bad judgment or decisions or an attempt to get your attention.
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The Breaking of a Plate
One way in which we express the breaking apart of the old and the setting up of a new reality is by metaphorically breaking or destroying that which we assume comes in and out of our lives in some fixed and unchanging way. One example of this is found in the breaking of a plate.
The purpose of the plate is to serve food, but sometimes it may be used as decoration or to honor someone. When the time comes that the plate has served its purpose, it is sometimes taken outside and broken.
We may see this action as a release from our hold on that which has served its purpose in our lives. We may be done with it—and, in fact, the plate is “broken.” We are free to let go.
Families sometimes do this when they have a Thanksgiving or Christmas party. After the food is all eaten and the dishes are put away, the youngest child in the family will take a plate and break it. This represents the end of the old cycle, the end of the “family tradition” being passed down from generation to generation. It also symbolizes the need to break free of what has been holding us captive.
Breaking Free
The plate also represents the releasing of something that has been holding us prisoner. We may think of such things as schedules, obligations, chores, and other things as the “plate” holding us hostage.
When we break the plate, we are breaking free from our dependence on these things. We can see it as a liberation from what has been constraining us from creating the new reality we so desire.
In some cases, a plate may be broken when a family member passes away. After a funeral or memorial service, someone in the family will take a plate and crack it in front of all those present. This signifies the end of some old, restrictive cycle in the lives of those left behind. They are free to act on their new vision for themselves.
The new plate is usually put in place of the old one and it represents starting anew.
The Breaking of Form
When we break things, others may see it as evidence of our anger or frustration with them. They may feel as if we have been breaking the old relationships that have served us. In addition to this, you may find that others break from what they have always done, and a new environment or life path opens up for them.
Breaking a plate can also represent breaking free from a certain way of life or finding a new one. As mentioned above, plates are often used to serve food. This indicates the kinds of food we eat and the kinds of habits we form in our lives. Once the plate has served its purpose it can be broken. This represents a kind of freedom from routine or from the way we have been living our lives.
In many cases, however, a plate is broken when someone decides to end a relationship with someone else. The idea is that the break from the relationships is an opportunity for something new. The old and bad things you have been in relationships with may be over and done with, and you can continue on your journey to becoming who you really want to be.
The Breaking of Habits
Some say that the plate being broken is a break from old habits or a new beginning with a different kind of food. You have been eating the same foods your whole life and now you want to start eating something else. The plate is a symbol of your old way of living.
It can be used when you stop drinking, when you quit smoking, or when you change jobs or professions.
The images on the plate, together with the food, are your old way of living. The breaking of the plate is your new beginning.
The Breaking of a Relationship
Some associate breaking plates with breaking their relationship with an individual or organization they have been closely tied to for some time. This relationship has served its purpose in their lives, but now they have decided to move on. Once again, it is said that taking a plate and breaking it represents a new beginning in life with something else—and perhaps someone else.
In some cases, breaking plates can represent a complete break from the past. This is true when there has been some great tragedy in the lives of those involved. When a relationship is broken, which can result from a death or a divorce.
The breaking of a plate may also signify a break from the past and an opening to something new in your life. It can be symbolic of starting fresh or moving forward with a project you have been wanting to start for some time. If you are looking to break free from someone or some group, the plate can represent the ending of a negative relationship.
The Breaking of Religion
As mentioned above, when a plate is broken it represents the ending of certain habits or old ways of living. It can even be used in relation to an organization that has served its purpose in your life and you are ready to move on. When religious people break their plates it can mean they are ready to cut all ties with their religion.
They feel they have outgrown it and they no longer want to follow what it says.
At times, people who break their plates do not always want to move on with something new. Sometimes there is simply a change in direction or a change in attitude about their old religion. They still believe in the spirit of the religion and they just need a different way of carrying out the faith in their lives.
This was how it was for one young man who decided to leave his religious order. He wanted to go out into the world but he still wanted to have a religious vocation. He thought he could have both, so he decided to break his plate.
He moved out of his monastery but still continued with some of the practices of his old religion. His master tried to convince him that this was not possible, that part of him would always be with the order, but he would never be free unless he broke the plate.
Eventually, the young man broke his plates completely and moved on with life. He found that he could still be a faithful and devoted man without the constraints of his order. He would always be connected to the religious life even as he lived his own way of life.
Is it Good Luck to Break a Plate?
There are many cultures in which breaking a plate or a cup is looked upon as a positive thing. In some cultures, breaking plates and cups after partaking of food is seen as a blessing to the person who breaks them. This is because the plate or cup is made of clay and to be made of clay means it is “made of the earth.” If you are “made of the earth” it means you are on good terms with nature.
The breaking of plates and cups has historically been linked to fertility. It was believed that by breaking a plate or cup after eating food that had been prepared by a woman who was experiencing fertility problems, she would become pregnant.
Knowing how and when to break a plate is important. Knowing that a broken plate is often indicative of change or new beginnings is important as you go through life’s journeys. Breaking a plate can also be done in order to break bad luck, much in the same way that breaking a mirror can be. If you are to break a plate, think about what it means for you and how this relates to your life.
A bright side of breaking plates is that you get to spend the money on something new like a new plate or pot. Another bright side is that there may be some money left over for someone else who could use it more than you did.
What Does Accidentally breaking a plate mean?
It has been said that if you accidentally break a plate, this could mean that you are about to learn something new or you are about to make some bad choices in your life. In this case, the breaking of the plate is a sign of your inability to break free from what you have been doing. It can be a sign that you are going to remain in a negative situation or perhaps it is a bad choice you have made.
In some cases, it can be a sign that you have gone against your better judgment and you will suffer the consequences of your actions. It could also be a sign that a person or a thing has come between you and your loved ones.
It is believed that if you are trying to break a plate and it breaks but you do not actually touch it, this could mean that someone is trying to get your attention. They may need you for something or they want to get your attention. Perhaps they are trying to tell you something.
If you break a plate and no one is around, this could be a sign that it is time to take action in your life.
If you break plates at home, perhaps you should stop and reconsider your life. You may be going against what you know is right or, at the very least, you could be treading on dangerous ground.
In this instance, breaking plates can be a sign that you are doing something wrong. Breaking a plate could also be a sign that you are not getting the proper love and attention in your life.
On the other hand, if you break plates in your home when no one is around, this could be a sign that it’s time to plant new seeds in your life. Perhaps you should start with something new in your life. Perhaps there is something more important that needs your attention, but you are not recognizing it.
If you break a plate and no one is around and no one else hears it, this could be a sign that you need to take care of business in your life. Perhaps you can’t be bothered to do it or maybe you are not aware of what the problem is. Breaking a plate in this case could be a sign that you have not been taking care of yourself in your life or maybe it is a sign that someone is trying to tell you something.
Final Thoughts
The spiritual meanings of breaking a plate are many. Depending on the circumstances that surround the breaking of a plate or cup, you will have different meanings.
It is important to be aware of these differences because they can come into play later in your life. They can also help you make day-to-day decisions more easily.
If you break a plate, think about what it could mean for you at that time. Don’t wait to see what happens if you break a plate. Take some time to reflect on the action and what it could mean for your future.