Pure Soul Spirituality is the essence of our pure soul.
Pure Soul Spirituality includes all the positive aspects of our spirit and the feelings, thoughts, and actions that come from it. Pure Soul Spirituality shares our pure soul with others. Our pure soul is the dimension of our self that exists outside time and space, which enables us to exist in this plane.
Pure Soul Spirituality is an integral part of our everyday lives. This is the part of ourselves that is personified, for example, when we are born into this life or when we take up another body. It is the part of our spirit that takes care of us, nurtures us, and guides us toward our highest potential.
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Pure Soul Essence
Our spirit is always present and with us, providing the foundation for all our experiences in this world. It is with us in good times and in bad times. This part of ourselves is powerful, pure, and loving. It is the essence of our being that exists outside time and space that we share with others.
As we progress spiritually throughout our lives, we will attract more positive energy to ourselves than negative energy. As a result, we will experience more positive situations than negative ones. We will attract more positive people into our lives. Our pure soul will bring us good things and push away the bad.
Pure Soul Spirituality is three-dimensional. It is made of positive thoughts, positive emotions, and positive actions that stem from the pure soul of our spirit. This is how our pure soul manifests itself into this reality to create all that we experience in this world.
Pure Soul Spirituality is the core of our being. It is the source of consciousness that exists in all living things. It is the place where every thought, emotion, and action stems from. Our pure soul is made up of light energy that permeates everything around us.
Pure Soul Spirituality is transformative for ourselves and others because it shares our pure soul with others. It is an energetic force that implants a beam of pure light energy into another person’s pure soul. This beam of light is the same as the one that lies dormant within us through which our pure soul is able to exist.
It holds all of our spirit’s memories from the past, present, and future into a single place within our being. Our pure soul holds all of these memories within itself, which are referred to as past lives, parallel lives, and future lives.
Our spirit is anchored into our physical body by our familiar self. Our familiar self is the part of us that remains after the physical death of our body. It is this part of us that connects back to our pure soul, which holds all of our spirit’s memories. Our familiar self provides access to everything in our spirit world with its experiences from life to life.
Our familiar self is the part of us that stays behind when our physical body dies. Our familiar self is located at the very center of our being, which integrates all other parts within this central area.
Although all these other parts are anchored in it, their own separate existence does not depend on it. They are all parts of ourselves that are the same essence. They are our memory, being, free-will, consciousness, emotions, thoughts, and actions.
Pure Soul Spirituality is the source of life itself. Our spirit exists outside time and space, which means it exists in another dimension of existence or reality.
Pure Soul Spirituality has always existed within us since birth. It is what connects with us in this world throughout our lives with all our experiences in this world. Our life here is the result of our many experiences in this world. The purpose for our existence in this world is to experience all things that are contained in this reality.
Our Unique Journey
Our part in the creation of the universe began when we chose to take this physical body, which is made up of light energy, to fulfill a mission for our physical lives. Because we chose to remain in the body until the end of our physical lives, even though that time may come at any moment, our spirit will continue on into another life after this one.
Our pure soul will continue to exist in the future, which means it is never destroyed. It will continue to exist after death into another life. This is our way of living forever. We are here now because there are things that we have not yet experienced in this life that are important for our development as a soul.
All people have their own unique path in life they must follow to fulfill their mission for this existence. These paths are different for each person because all people are different. The path that someone else takes does not determine another’s path.
The purpose of our existence in this world is to experience all things that are contained in this reality. This encompasses all thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions. Because we did not set up the rules for life here before birth, we must follow the path that is presented to us in this lifetime no matter what it is.
We have the freedom to do anything we want, which means we have the freedom to do anything given our ability to experience all things that are contained in this reality. In this way, all souls are allowed the same opportunity to experience life, results, and rewards.
All things come from nothing. All things go back to nothing. All souls share the same essence from which they came from and will return back to nothing when they have completed their mission here in this lifetime.
When we choose to remain in this physical body after the end of our life here, our spirit will continue on into another life. There are other people who have already made that choice to remain in this physical body, just as there are others who have chosen not to remain in this body.
Our future lives are created through the decisions we make every single day of our lives because those are the rules which govern what is considered possible within this reality. Those are the rules which govern what is allowed in our lives, that is, what we are able to experience in this lifetime.
Our life here in this world continues until the end of our physical life when our physical body dies. When our physical body dies, when it no longer serves its purpose for this existence, the connection between our soul and body weakens. At that point, death begins to occur.
Our very essence is made up of pure divine light energy. Our heart is where our pure light energy connects to our physical body. We must remain connected to the light energy within us during physical life or death will ensue. When our heart stops beating, death begins. This is what happens when our physical body dies.
Final Thoughts
Pure soul spirituality is the ultimate in understanding our spiritual reality. It is pure light energy that contains us in this reality, it is the very essence of who we are.
It is the core of our existence which allows us to exist in this existence. It is within our essence that we are able to experience anything from our previous, present, and future lives. It is within our essence that we are able to receive all of the experiences we have in this lifetime.