For many centuries, we’ve been trying to come up with a definition for ‘spiritual truth’. Despite the deep and ancient relationship, we’re often unable to put it into words.
However, it’s always spoken through stories that connect us to something larger. These are the stories that teach us what it means to be human. The ones that resonate with our own spirit because somehow, they touch us in a way that transcends words or beliefs or time.
Spiritual truths are not found in your head, but are ever-present when you have learnt to feel them – when you have learnt to be present enough so they can exist within you.
Table of Contents
Finding Spiritual Truth
When we stop searching for spiritual truth as something that you can find, or as something that can be explained – we start to allow it to find us. And then it becomes more than something to chase after.
It is already waiting there waiting for you, just as the wind is always there, just as the waves are always there. It is simply a different kind of presence. A presence with a voice and a song and a message.
If we stop trying to make it happen and we start to simply do and be and live and listen, we learn to hear its voice. And when we can hear it, we can be guided to the answers that we seek.
But you cannot hear its voice if you keep asking those questions; those questions that often subtly shift from wanting answers to needing confirmation. From needing proof. From needing reassurance that this isn’t all just a big delusion or a possibly naïve way of living or thinking or believing.
There is a feeling that there is something missing, that something is wrong. You feel as if you’re missing something. And the only way to know what it is is to be able to see it. To know what’s wrong. And if you keep looking for it, keep searching for answers, you’ll never find it.
You’ll never find your heart or soul or spirit or voice or meaning. And it’s no fault of your own. Because the answers were never lost, the answers you seek are just waiting for you to stop looking for them, so that they can start to look for you.
Spiritual truth is waiting for you. It’s there. It’s just listening for the quiet moments you give yourself to ‘be’ and to feel and to listen. For those moments when you’ve stopped searching and started listening so that it can finally start to speak and reveal itself within you.
And when it does, when spirit reveals itself through your heart and your soul, it speaks in a language that we call intuition. And we often find ourselves speaking about this language as if we all know what it is.
Slowing Down the Pace of our Lives
But we are all finding out what it means to be human. And to speak this language means to take on the spirit of ourselves. This is the language of heart and soul. No-one can teach you how to embody this language within yourself, so you have to find it for yourself by asking for help from your own spirit.
We’re always doing things that are too big for us – projects that are too big for our abilities or our time or our life span or our beliefs or even our knowledge.
And we’re always searching for answers and we’re always asking questions and we’re always looking for proof and we’re always hurrying and pushing and pushing and pushing, so that we can feel as if we’ve done something more than just exist.
We want to think that there must be something more to it – some kind of proof of what is real. Some kind of proof that what is happening to us is more than just the simple temporary manifestation of an experience, a feeling or a thought, or a memory. That we can ‘know’ that it is more than just an illusion or a delusion or a memory that we will lose as soon as we stop looking for it.
What Exactly is Spiritual Truth
But what exactly do we mean by proof?
By proof, of course, we’re referring to something that amazes us with its existence. Something that’s beyond our own knowledge and experience and understanding and comprehension and belief and trust and willingness to be open enough to be surprised.
It’s as if we’re all chasing after proof like we’re all chasing after a pet rabbit. Or like we’re all looking for proof like we’re all trying to find the secret password to the next level of Angry Birds or Candy Crush or something. We’re all looking for something that will show us the door to the next level. And we’ve been doing this for a very long time.
There’s a belief, a belief that there must be something more to life. There must be a reason or an explanation or a meaning or an explanation beyond what we already know and understand, beyond our own limited experience and understanding and understanding again.
We’re all looking for proof of this extra thing that is waiting there somewhere out there, something that is greater than ourselves. We’re all looking for proof of a God or a higher power. Or we’re all looking for proof of something greater than ourselves.
And there’s a belief that the only way to prove this experience is to feel it.
But I’d like to suggest that the moment you start searching, is the very moment that you’ve stopped feeling. The moment that you stop feeling is the very moment that you are looking for proof of something.
Proof is not something that can be found in your head. Put simply, it cannot be taught. It cannot be learned through books or study or teachings or diagrams or body language or images or stories or art and certainly not images on a computer screen like this one I’m typing into right now.
Proof cannot be found in an artist’s expression, in a film or in a piece of music.
Because proof and all the answers and truth and expression and purpose and meaning that we seek is not something that we can learn to do or be or create. It’s something that we have to learn how to let happen. It’s something that we have to learn how to hear when it speaks.
Finding spiritual proof is no different to finding a new lover. Or a new friend, or the right place to live, or the perfect job, or the right school to go to. You can’t look for them and you certainly can’t look for them and at the same time expect them to love you back.
Of course you could look for them and expect something from them. But you’re unlikely to get it. Or you’re unlikely to get it if you spend your time looking for it.
The moment you start looking for proof, is the moment that you know there’s something missing within yourself. Something that’s not right. Something that isn’t complete. Something that’s not good enough. Something that you haven’t found yet or haven’t experienced yet.
And the reason for this is because the moment you start looking for proof, is the moment that your heart and soul are not feeling. The moment that your spirit starts to look, is the moment that something was stolen from you.
It’s as if you’ve been separated from your heart and soul, as if those things have been taken away from you so that you can find proof of something.
And the truth is that we all lose something or someone every single day. Someone we love and care about, a life we loved and cared about, a thing we care about. And we’re not able to feel this loss until we’re ready to feel it again.
Truths of the Heart and Soul
Deep spiritual truths and real spiritual experiences and real spiritual proof take place in your heart and in your soul.
They happen in the place that you’re feeling when you’re feeling them. They happen when you feel the sense of presence that comes from within yourself when you’re allowing yourself to be who you are when you’re not looking for someone else to be there instead.
If we only search for spiritual proof and we don’t feel it, we’ll never find something or someone to love and care about or feel connected to or take notice of.
We’ll never find proof of something that doesn’t already exist. Proof that isn’t being created, proof that isn’t being discovered, proof that isn’t being found.
But there’s one thing I can tell you. If you’re determined to look for proof for something ever again, then the first thing you have to do is look inward. Look at yourself. Look at what it is that you’re looking for and what it is that you’re feeling.
And then after that, all that’s left to do is look outward and see if it can be found. Or let it find you instead.
Because the only way to find proof for something outside of yourself, is to become a thing of beauty within yourself first.
Spiritual Truths to Live By
There is no proof of a higher power, a higher being, a greater truth, a greater purpose or a deeper understanding. All we can find within ourselves is proof of our own thoughts and feelings and experiences. So the only person we can EVER become wiser or more insightful or more open is ourselves.
The way to become more open to the things that want to come into your life and fill you up with light and love and joy, is to start learning how to be happy within yourself first. To start learning how to stay present in the moment and to start learning how to be thankful for everything that you have.
To start losing your need for spiritual proof. To start letting yourself love and care about things, people, and ideas that simply cannot be found anywhere else or by anyone else.
To let yourself appreciate things that can never really be explained or proved, but only felt by allowing them to be a part of your life instead.
If you’re looking for proof of anything, look within yourself.
Stay true to who you are and love and care about the things that can never be replaced or replaced by any other thing or person or idea. Because you can’t replace them with another thing.
You can’t replace them with someone else’s idea of what they think is good enough for you. You can’t replace them with your own idea of what someone else wants or needs from you.
Because you can’t find a higher power or a higher truth or a deeper understanding by searching for something outside of yourself. You’ll only find it by looking inward first. By looking within yourself and giving yourself what you’ve been looking for all along.
When you look within yourself, you’ll start to understand that as long as you allow your heart and soul to be with your spirit, everything else will come naturally.
Universal Spiritual Truths
Trust that the only proof that matters is what you feel. Trust that you’ll find what you’re looking for if it’s meant to be a part of your life. Trust that the only thing you need to do at this point in your life is feel your feelings and allow them to guide you.
Trust that the more good things there are in your life right now, the more other good things will come to you. Trust that feeling good about yourself is the best way to feel good about everything else in your life.
Trust that everything that you need to know has already been written on your heart and on your soul, no matter how many distractions there are around you. Trust that there’s nothing wrong with having a career, having wealth, having power, having material possessions.
Trust that there are no bad things or bad people or bad places or things to do in this world. Trust that you are loved, cared for and protected by the only thing that matters. Trust that everything is exactly the way it’s supposed to be.
Trust that you will find the truth when you stop looking for it. Trust that you will find proof when you let yourself feel what’s right for you to feel for yourself for the first time.
Trust that some people are meant to come into your life and leave your life so you can learn what it is that they represent. Trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we don’t know what that reason is.
Trust that you will be taken care of. Trust that you can feel safe, loved and protected even when everything around you is falling apart. Trust that the only thing you need to be concerned about is yourself right now. Trust that your time is coming and your purpose will be revealed to you when it’s meant to be revealed to you instead.
Final Thoughts
Spiritual truth is real. Spiritual experiences are real. Spiritual proof is real.
Spiritual truth is beautiful, peaceful and filled with love and care. Spiritual experiences are blissful, rewarding and satisfying in every way possible. Spiritual proof is limitless.
Spiritual truth is found by trusting yourself, trust what you feel and do what makes your soul happy. Spiritual experiences are found by slowing down, staying present in the moment and feeling open to all that’s already around you.
Trust in yourself and trust in love.
I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on the subject of spiritual truth, I hope you’re inspired to trust yourself more and trust in love, peace and joy. And I hope that this helped reinforce that spiritual truths are real, real experiences are real, real spiritual proof is real.